Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bon Voyage, little Sis!

A few hours ago, we dropped my little sister to the airport for her first ever out of the country experience. She'll be in Thailand for a whole month for her on-the-job training before her senior year in college starts. I'm so excited for her, I really hope she learns a lot in Maejo University. I've been googling about the school and it seems to look like my dear alma mater in college.

By now I guess, cutie heart (lil sis) is already in Thailand. I hope she had a good flight since she's going to have to endure another 10 hours of bus ride from Bangkok to Chang Mai province. Hmm... that's a pretty long travel. I hope the buses in Thailand have their own bathroom.

Well, I'm hopeful she'll send me a text message as soon as she's able since I got her a sim that can let her text for just 3 pesos. Or if not, I hope she'll send me a message in FB. :) God bless, cutie heart! I hope you'll always seize the day while you're in Thailand: The Land of Smiles.

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